Saturday, April 30, 2011


Sorry it has taken so long to get back to everyone.  All blood work is normal so I will continue to take my medication and take care of myself.
I still continue to struggle with shortness of breath, fatigue, asthma, allergies, skin problems, swollen achy joints and major acid reflux.  Because of these issues I went gluten free hoping it would help and it did make a difference (small difference).  I have done a lot of research on gluten sensitivity and I was amazed to find out that many autoimmune diseases are brought on by gluten sensitivity including Systemic Sclerosis, Rheumatoid Arthritis and Lupus.  I saw an article about an organization called the Gluten Free Society and they have a great cookbook out called Glutenology so I ordered it and am excited to try some new recipes.  Maybe cooking will be fun again :).  I also learned that all grains including Sorghum, Corn and Amaranth still contain gluten but contain a smaller amount than wheat, barley, rye and oats.  It's gonna be hard but I'm going to start avoiding these too.
I want to give a shout out to my padded cell, crazy conversationalist, wine buddy Linda who tried to tell me I needed to cut these things out.  She knows what she is talking about :)

Friday, April 15, 2011

Good Heart

Hello All!  
I received my results from my echocardiogram and everything looks great.  All valves are functioning just fine.  However, I haven't felt so great the past few weeks so I made an appointment with my primary doctor.  We just did a little blood work so he could check out my liver.  He is worried that I may not be processing a certain protein correctly?  I am not really sure what that means but he acted like it wasn't a bad scenario and could be fixed easily.  

On a happy note: Tomorrow I get to color Easter Eggs with my baby girls :)

Monday, April 4, 2011

Follow Up With Rheumatologist

I went in for a follow up with my rheumatologist today and she was not happy with the fact that I have lost so much weight but she said it is typical.  Also, my blood pressure was very low (86 over 50 something) so she is removing one of my medications to see if it gets better.  Now I know why I have had blurry vision and been a little dizzy, LOL!  

I also had my echocardiogram this morning and it was really cool.  The tech lady positioned me in a way that I could see everything and she pointed out the valves, the chambers and the blood flow.  Of course she can't tell me if anything is wrong but I certainly didn't see anything crazy.  I'm sure it will be fine :)

On a happy note:
I was so excited when my rheumy walked in and I saw she has a little baby bump.  She is 5 months along and still wearing suits and heels, LOL!  Her husband is a radiologist so they are 90% sure its a boy :).